Fuelling Industrial Success: The Undeniable Benefits of Premium Base Oils

26th March 2024

Fuelling Industrial Success: The Undeniable Benefits of Premium Base Oils

In the realm of industrial operations, where precision is paramount, and reliability is non-negotiable, one component’s importance should never be underestimated ­– lubricants. These fluids are essential to the operation of machinery, ensuring seamless functionality throughout the rigours of daily tasks. However, not all lubricants are created equal, and their performance is often dictated by the quality of the base oil. High-performance, premium base oils can make an integral difference to the operational success of both machinery and businesses alike. 

It is no secret that industrial machinery faces rigorous workloads. Premium base oils with specific characteristics are essential for handling the harsh operating conditions often encountered in factory processes: elevated temperatures, corrosive environments, and general wear and tear. Lubricating agents – and, by extension, base oils – are responsible for the prolonged resilience of these machines. Premium base oils, safeguard machinery to ensure its longevity. 

Due to its advanced hydro-processing techniques, these Premium base oils embody the gold standard – purity, stability and performance. In contrast to their solvent-processed counterparts, these oils run purer, have more oxidative stability, and show resistance to chemical degradation. 

Benefits of these Premium Base Oils include: 

Improved Thermal Stability: In high-temperature environments, the resilience of premium base oils is essential. Their ability to withstand thermal degradation prolongs service intervals, minimises deposits and sludge formation, and mitigates wear and tear – essential when optimising machinery lifecycle costs.

Increased Oxidation Resistance: Base oils with enhanced oxidation curb the formation of harmful by-products that impair or damage machinery, thereby extending the service life of the lubricant and improving machinery reliability for less risk of unexpected breakdowns. 

Environmental Sustainability: Premium base oils undergo advanced refining, reducing impurities and lowering harmful emissions during use and disposal. These oils also reduce friction, preventing energy loss and making it more energy efficient. Enhanced oxidation resistance also means less frequent oil changes, reducing waste and environmental impact.

From turbine oils to hydraulic fluids and natural gas engine oils, it diminishes piston deposits, and reduced machinery downtime, these oils enhance lubrication performance to maximise efficiency. 

Premium Base Oils are globally available, regionally approved, ready for delivery, and can be used in more than 98% of all applications. Premium Base Oil can realise your business objectives through the security of supply, product support and tailor-made solutions.