Irregular spend of national, provincial government, SOEs up to R51bn and counting

21st November 2018 By: African News Agency

Irregular spend of national, provincial government, SOEs up to R51bn and counting

Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu

Irregular expenditure for national and provincial government departments, as well as State-owned entities audited by the Auditor-General amounted to R51-billion and counting, it was revealed on Wednesday.

Releasing the audit results for the 2017/18 financial year, Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu said the R51-billion excludes the irregular spending incurred by two of the country's most important State-owned companies - Transnet and Eskom - who combined incurred spending not in compliance with laws governing public finances - of R28.4-billion. Transnet and Eskom have private companies auditing their financials.

The number could rise dramatically as 27 percent of the auditees indicated they had incurred irregular expenditure but that the full amount was not known.

Fruitless and wasteful spending, noted Makwetu, had "another big jump" of 200 percent compared to the 2016/17 financial year, and is currently sitting at R2.5-billion.

"This is an avoidable type of expenditure that we find is now starting to increase," said Makwetu.