Adcock Ingram, Cipla awarded portions of State’s ARV tender

18th February 2019 By: Tasneem Bulbulia - Senior Contributing Editor Online

Pharmaceutical manufacturers Adcock Ingram and Cipla have each secured a portion of a tender to provide State-run hospitals with antiretroviral (ARV) medicines over a three-year period from July 1.

Adcock was awarded a 12% share of the ARV tender.  

The company had submitted bids for the triple combination products, tenofovir/emtricitabine/efavirenz (TEE) and dolutegravir/lamivudine/tenofovir (DLT), as well as a number of the dual and monotherapy molecules.

Adcock’s share of the ARV tender award over the three years includes 11%, or 16.8-million, of the 147-million packs of DLT sought through the tender, 2.8-million packs of other oral solid dosage products and 2.7-million bottles of oral solutions.

The company indicated that its investment into its oral solid dosage facility, in Wadeville, Gauteng, has increased its ability to manufacture and supply ARV medicines to the public sector through the tender system, and also meet the needs of the private healthcare market.

Meanwhile, Cipla on Monday said it too had been awarded a share of the ARV tender for TEE and DLT.  

Cipla recently launched a new triple-combination ARV treatment, Reydin, that comprises tenofovir, lamivudine and dolutegravir, adding to its comprehensive portfolio of HIV medication.